


為了獲得最佳的Lintex用戶體驗,Lintex長期在台灣中部部署ONE-STOP SERVICE渠道,包括Lintex設計中心、5個生產工廠和質量控制中心。擁有快速成型設備、模具部、壓鑄部、沖壓部、拋光部、自動組裝加工開發部、鋼絲包覆部,以及設備齊全的內部QC實驗室,Lintex不斷擴大產能的提升進一步使林泰斯能夠為客戶提供更全面、更專業的服務。


Lintex 產品在美國和台灣設計並“100% 在台灣製造,以確保為我們的合作夥伴提供最佳質量、IP(知識產權)保護和附加值。此外,通過與DELLLenovoHP...等知名品牌的長期合作,Lintex被證明能夠快速響應客戶項目的不斷變化,並能夠提供節約成本或提高生產力的解決方案改進。


無論是OEM還是ODM項目,Lintex始終把客戶的最大利益放在首位。透過世界性的交流,Lintex的研發團隊與各式文化的人員組織在一起,為市場提供最佳解決方案,為全球用戶帶來高品質的 Lintex 產品。



Lintex Co., Ltd. 





地址: 彰化縣員林市員東路153846

電話: 04-8366236






Lintex established in 1982, LINTEX has almost 40 years’ experience in the field of lock, security devices and accessories industry.Over the years, Lintex had over 40 patents worldwide. The number of patents still keeps growing up with our imagination, innovation and also marketing feedback. Lintex’s R&D teams organize with different culture and people from all over the world to bring the best solutions to the market and client.



For the best Lintex user experience, Lintex long deployed ONE-STOP SERVICE channel in Central TAIWAN, including Lintex Design Center, 5 production plants, and Quality Control Center. With rapid-prototyping equipment, tooling dept., die-casting dept., stamping dept., polishing dept., automatic assembling and processing development dept., steel wire covering dept., and also fully equipped QC laboratory in house, Lintex continuous expansion of production capacity further enables Lintex to provide customers with even more comprehensive and proficient service.

Lintex products are designed in US & Taiwan and manufactured ‘‘100% in Taiwan’’ to ensure presenting best quality, IP (intellectual property) protection, and added value to our partners. Moreover, with Lintex’s long term partnership with well-known brands, such as DELL, Lenovo, HP….etc., Lintex is proven to be quick-responded to constant changes of customer projects, and capable of providing solutions for cost saving or productivity improvement.


In Lintex, we always keep in mind: “The Customer’s perception is our reality”, a perfect definition of customer satisfaction by business researcher Kate Zabriskie, and therefore Lintex presents products that exceed customers’ expectation and market needs, with Lintex’s creative designing, experienced production, and superior quality management. Lintex pushes its limits of capability in every dimension of serving customers, as the spirit of Lintex slogan, “Lock your device, unlock your potential”.



Lintex Co., Ltd. 


E-Mail :


Addreess: No. 46, Ln. 538, Sec. 1, Yuandong Rd., Yuanlin City, Changhua County 510032 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL:+8864 8366236

FAX:+8864 8367490
